Away we GLOW!

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on , , ,
Ok, so I've touched on hydration, moisturization, and dry skin. Today: EXFOLIATION!!!
Exfoliation is an important part of the skin care process, however, you should be careful not to overdo. It involves the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin to help it "breathe". This process is especially important for people who suffer from acne. It helps remove those cells that cause blackheads and pimples.

I try to exfoliate at least twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, it may be best to exfoliate once or twice a week. It is also important not to scrub the surface too hard as the top layer of your skin is sensitive and will become irritated easily.
Remember to exfoliate at least once a week to keep wash away those dead skin cells!

Tip of the day: Read the labels on exfoliants to see what may be the best type for skin. Once you use it pat the skin dry with a towel and don't forget to moisturize!!

GREAT FIND: Warm Spirit Pomegranate Body Scrub (light fruity scent with oil base, so there isno need to moisturize after using this scrub). Works wonders for dry skin and skin feels like silk after using! (Ordered for approximately $28.00, Warm Spirit)

GLOW Hard or GO Home!:

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on , , , , ,
"What ever happened to a dream deferred"?

As I said, once a week I will post an inspirational piece for the soul. Remember when you feel good on the inside, you tend to look and feel better on the outside!

Many of us have dreams and ambitions. However, many of us allow fear to consume our spirit to the point where a goal seems difficult or unattainable. We should not let fear keep us from reaching the POSSIBLE! For years I have tried to figure out what my purpose was here on this Earth. Endless possibilities lie ahead of me, yet I have allowed fear to consume my faith and increase my doubt. I now understand the power of being faithful and know that God will never lead me anywhere He does not see fit. Sometimes I think we are fearful of the power that we hold and how great we can be. Let us remember to step out on faith and get up off of our gift and move!! Ignite your gift don't ignore it!!!

Feel free to leave your comments!!

Was it something I said?

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Was it something I said?

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Question of the Week

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on

How do you pamper your skin??

Post your comments!!!!!


Cheap Find of the Week!!

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on
Ok, so I did not just discover this product, but I have been using it for a little over a year now and it works wonders for me. I have dry skin, however, my face is part oily and part dry. I have an oily T-Zone and dry spots everywhere else. I have tried products from Neutrogena, Clinique, Aveeno, Arbonne and none of them seemed to work like this. My bff, Shantai recommended the Ambi skin care line, so I went out and purchased. I have been in love ever since. Ambi products are specifically designed for African American skin tones.

1.)The Ambi foaming cleanser helps even out skin tone, balances oily/dry skin, and contains salicylic acid to minimize breakouts. I use this twice a day

2.)Ambi Exfoliating Face Scrub - Exfoliates to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and brightens the skin. Because of sensitive skin, I use 2/3 times a week

3.)Ambi Moisturizing Lotion - Light application, contains SPF 15, does not leave an oily texture on your face. I use twice, daily

4. Ambi Fade Cream - Reduces the appearance of dark marks on the skin. Ok, so I started using this cream and it was working. When you stop using, the fade marks may reappear.

All of this can be purchased for about $40 from your local department store. Try it today.

O, The Smell

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on
I finally got a hold of it!!!! Gucci by Gucci Eau de Parfum Spray! What can I say about it-Love IT!!!! It has one of the cleanest scents I have smelled thus far! I had been waiting and waiting to purchase it, and it just so happens I went into Dillards near my house (which is going out of business) and the fragrance was $48!! Originally, $80-$100. What a deal! I have to say it was truly a blessing to keep waiting for it and get it at such a steal. I would highly recommend this fragrance to any parfum lover or anyone looking to just "smell good".

Other recommended fragrances for women:

Vera Wang "Princess" (sold at Macy's, Dillards, and other department stores)
Vera Wang "Rock Princess" - sweetly scented eau de parfum
Juicy Couture
CoCo Chanel - "Mademoiselle" and CoCo Chanel - "Chance"

Tip of the day: For a more affordable light fragrance, try: Black Amethyst Body Spray by Bath and Body Works. This fragrance offers a very light, sweet scent and virtually wears all day. Found at any Bath&Body Works ($12.00)

Monday - All the "Glow"-ry

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on , ,
Still a newborn, my blog is beginning to blossom! Still trying to figure out how to let it flow, I think I have it now. As well as offering tips and useful products for skin care, I thought I would share an inspirational piece with you once a week. Nothing is better for the body than to feel good on the inside.
God has blessed me to experience many things, have many opportunities, be surrounded by loving friends and family, and to become the woman I am today. In my early twenties', I was having a hard time "finding myself". I didn't know what made me happy, didn't know where in life I was going, strayed away from Him and thought I could figure things out on my own. I mean I was going to church, but I wasn't "there". I had become complacent in my job, my relationship, being at home, yet I was still unsettled. I put on a mask everyday and wore it for the world to see. I kept the outside looking good, but on the inside I was so empty and confused. I know I needed to pull away from some things to see what God had in store for me. Afraid to "break away" from it, I stayed in this state of complacency. One day, something happened and my life changed forever. People say God has a way of showing up when you move away from Him and trust me HE SHOWS UP!! I was hit with unbelievable news and felt a pain that I would never wish on my worst enemy. Needless to say, when I went through I called on God to take the pain away and to develop a stronger relationship with him. After a few weeks, I began to feel better and felt a new life slowing breathing into my body ( I call it C.P.R - lol). I started weighing my career options, stepped away from my relationship, and started thinking about places to live. Slowly, but surely things began to change for me and I felt God there every moment. Now 3 years later, I must say I feel like a totally different woman than I was then. I still have some moments (which I call being human), however, my outlook on life has changed and I owe it all to Him. Because of Him, I have a vision for my life and because of Him I can sit here and write this blog and hopefully be a blessing to someone needing help on the outside and inside. I am glowing and I wanna say I owe Him all the "GLOW"-RY"!!!!!!!!

Tip of the day: Rejoice even when you are going through because when you get to the top of the mountain and look down, there is a huge blessing on the other side. The key is to keep climbing even when it seems to hard; just remember what's on the other side.

Cheap Find of the Week!!

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on


Body Butter, Yoghurt

"Extra Moisturizing Cream for Dry Skin Conditions"

The scent is pure and clean and the feel is "fresh, pure, and smooth"

This product is concentrated so a little goes a long way. I found this cream at TJMaxx for only $5.99!!!

Also sold online at under the heading "Bath and Body-Body Moisturizers" for $21

Glow for It!

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on
Ok I am back after a short absence. School before blogs! LOL.
I was contemplating my next blog topic and what's next but DRY SKIN!!!!! I have suffered from eczema since I was a baby and have experienced problems with dry skin. Dry skin is a loose, scientific term used to describe the rough, scaly and flaky skin that is dry to the touch and less elastic than normal skin. Adding moisture and keeping your body hydrated reduces the symptoms of dry skin, although some people have more severe cases than others.
If you suffer from dry skin, here are a few inexpensive products I have tried and would suggest: 1.) Johnson's Baby Oil Gel ($2.99, at drugstores)- baby oil locks in moisture and no need to replenish during the day
2.) Olay Quench ($8.00, at drugstores) - some complain that it leaves the skin feeling "sticky", but this has worked WONDERS for me. It also has shimmer in it for that extra "glow"
3.) Palmer's Cocoa Butter ($5.00) - I do not prefer the smell of Palmer's, but it is great for dry skin. This lotion provides added moisture that lasts all day.
4.) Yoghurt Body Butter by KorresNaturalProducts (originally $10, I found at TJMAXX for $5!!) - Despite the small 150ml size bottle, here a little goes a loooong way! It's just as the bottle says - "Extra Moisturizing Cream for Dry Skin Conditions".

Tip of the day: Just out of the shower, towel blot your skin dry and apply Baby Oil Gel all over. Afterwards, put on a pair of sweatpants, thick socks, and a long sleeve shirt for about 1 hour to lock in moisture!!


Posted by ms.SkinDeep on
How do you define beauty?

Is beauty skin deep? Is it Beyonce or Halle Berry? Is beauty in the way we carry ourselves? Is beauty in the way we carry ourselves? Is it the single mother doing it by herself?" Is it the working wife and mother?

Post your comments and feedback. THANKS!!
Shanda Mathis commented: Girl you have overcame your inter- self! Go girl, go girl, go girl!! Love it! Really love the name but I kinda think it also goes deeper than make-up. Skin deep is it really about make-up or is it about defining one within self? Despite applying additional cosmetics cleansing (physical and mental) is highly important as well... With that beauty is establish..
Posted by ms.SkinDeep on , , ,
I'm back - Day 2.
I was wondering what I could write about on my first blog, then it clicked! Why not start with the basics. Hydration and moisturization!! I rely heavily on different magazines that cater to African American women (Essence, Ebony, O, etc.) to learn more about skin care, tips and suggested items.

I know that there are two things that NO woman should go without - WATER (for hydration) and good ole VASELINE (for moisture). These two items never fail! Even if you are not the type that's into a bunch of creams and moisturizers, a little vaseline and lots of water will go a loooong way!

Drinking lots of water hydrates the skin (meaning to "wet" from the inside out). I notice when I drink water my skin glows and it retains moisture. Moisture is how you "quench" the skin when it is "thirsty". Moisturizers reduces dryness and irritation on the epidermis (the top layer of the skin). Vaseline is a good, inexpensive moisturizer and serves many purposes. It can be used as a lotion, used to "grease" elbows and knees, for use in-between pedicures to keep your feet moist, and for chaffing. There is no question about water. We all know the million uses for water. But remember the most important is drinking. Take in lots of water and your skin will begin to feel like silk!!!

Note: I am not a certified dermatologist, however I read quite a bit, love to research and learn from experience. In addition, I majored in Biology while in college so I know just a lil sumn!! LOL.

Tip of the day: For dry, cracked feet, apply Vaseline to the heels and balls of your feet (or wherever you experience dryness) and put on warm, thick socks to lock in moisture.
Also try, Cracked Heel Cream (sold at Walmart & Target, $1.99) for forconcentratedmoisturization.

Ready, Set, Glow!

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on , , ,
Okay, so I have been inspired to create this blog by two great people, Yolanda and Sharmetra. Yolanda is my cousin/sister/bff that has been very supportive and inspirational through the years. Sharmetra is a former co-worker/friend, but I feel as though I have known her a long time. She too has inspired me to take great leaps.
I never really noticed how much I was into skin care products until the day Yolanda looked in my linen closet. She was amazed at how much body wash, skin creams, lotions, oils, fragrances, cotton balls, etc. that lived in my closet. She then told me I needed to start a blog about the various products I have tried and ones that I recommend. One of my favorite things to do is go to Sally Beauty Supply, Wal-Mart, Target, MAC, and B&B Works to stock up on lotions, makeup, and foot creams. One store I feel is skin care heaven is SEPHORA!!! I remember the first time walking into that store and I felt right at home. Although I cannot afford to shop there like I want right now, Sephora is a haven for people like me. This store carries everything: various lines of makeup/applicators, perfumes/cologne, hair care items, and skin care products. It's virtually a one-stop shop.
Although I am into skin care products, I truly believe that beauty starts from the inside. When you look in the mirror, the first thing you should see is your character. This supercedes any dry skin, oily skin, "nappy" hair, fine hair, flawless skin, or blotchy skin. As women we are so hard on ourselves about the way we look and how others will percieve us. I personally know how that is and I am still a "work in progress." So, as I update my blog, remember, beauty is only skin deep and the outside is the shell that we maintain to protect the inside. Feel free to leave your comments, suggestions on good finds or just stop by to say hi!