Question of the Week

Posted by ms.SkinDeep on

How do you pamper your skin??

Post your comments!!!!!



SimplyMetra said...
August 18, 2009 at 8:30 AM

Nice pics.... I try to pamper my skin by taking a long, hot shower, then follow up with vaseline (for eczema) and a good moisturizing lotion. Next, I will apply a small amount of Bath and Body Works lotion to my hands, feet, stomach, and thighs because those are the main areas that are not affected by my eczema. The scent of the Bath and Body Works lotions are calming to me.

ms.SkinDeep said...
August 18, 2009 at 9:17 PM

Good! I use baby oil right after a shower and put on my sweats! A good moisturizing lotion is Nivea. Really good for sealing in moisture

Yolanda said...
August 19, 2009 at 9:08 PM

I like to take a hot shower and then moisturize with baby oil or eucerin (any other good lotion) and then I use a bath and body works lotion for the scent and a dry oil spray with a light scent. I also try and use a deep pore cleaning face mask from Bliss Spa product line once a week. I LOVE the smell of the mask and it leaves the face very soft

Unknown said...
August 26, 2009 at 6:23 PM

I really don't I use soap and water and usually put baby lotions on.