I was wondering what I could write about on my first blog, then it clicked! Why not start with the basics. Hydration and moisturization!! I rely heavily on different magazines that cater to African American women (Essence, Ebony, O, etc.) to learn more about skin care, tips and suggested items.
I know that there are two things that NO woman should go without - WATER (for hydration) and good ole VASELINE (for moisture). These two items never fail! Even if you are not the type that's into a bunch of creams and moisturizers, a little vaseline and lots of water will go a loooong way!
Drinking lots of water hydrates the skin (meaning to "wet" from the inside out). I notice when I drink water my skin glows and it retains moisture. Moisture is how you "quench" the skin when it is "thirsty". Moisturizers reduces dryness and irritation on the epidermis (the top layer of the skin). Vaseline is a good, inexpensive moisturizer and serves many purposes. It can be used as a lotion, used to "grease" elbows and knees, for use in-between pedicures to keep your feet moist, and for chaffing. There is no question about water. We all know the million uses for water. But remember the most important is drinking. Take in lots of water and your skin will begin to feel like silk!!!
Note: I am not a certified dermatologist, however I read quite a bit, love to research and learn from experience. In addition, I majored in Biology while in college so I know just a lil sumn!! LOL.
Good topic! I have eczema, so vaseline is definitely used on a daily basis in my home. And thanks for the tip about the dry, cracked feet! My heels have been accumulating more dry skin than usual and I have been wondering what "budget friendly" remedy I could use to restore the moisture in my heels!