Posted by ms.SkinDeep on
How do you define beauty?

Is beauty skin deep? Is it Beyonce or Halle Berry? Is beauty in the way we carry ourselves? Is beauty in the way we carry ourselves? Is it the single mother doing it by herself?" Is it the working wife and mother?

Post your comments and feedback. THANKS!!
Shanda Mathis commented: Girl you have overcame your inter- self! Go girl, go girl, go girl!! Love it! Really love the name but I kinda think it also goes deeper than make-up. Skin deep is it really about make-up or is it about defining one within self? Despite applying additional cosmetics cleansing (physical and mental) is highly important as well... With that beauty is establish..


Yolanda said...
July 23, 2009 at 8:36 AM

Beauty is all of those things. Beauty is an action. The way in which a person carries themselves is beauty...A person acts beautiful. I believe that we always say a person is beautiful as referring to the physical outward apperance; however, when you see a young boy helping out an elderly person, or acts of kindness displayed...that is true BEAUTY!

SimplyMetra said...
July 23, 2009 at 9:41 AM

yolanda, i agree with u. for the most part, people do tend to define beauty as what is socially acceptable for one's physical appearance. i personally feel that beauty is created within a person and can not only be seen physically, but felt spiritually, by how people treat others.

Geezy said...
July 23, 2009 at 12:45 PM

Manika I love your BLOG. Do you think I can get some one on one time especially when Im applying the vaseline. I think it is some what of an art putting on vaseline and not looking greasy.

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...
August 11, 2009 at 5:32 AM

Beauty is in... the sound of my children's laughter... the swish of my dog's tail... the sour notes on my 10-year-old daughter's trumpet (because girls don't play those, you know)... the smell of a freshly-cleaned home... my husband's embrace... the sparkle in my dad's 75-year-old eyes... the sweetest dreams of my mom (who went away from here seven years ago)... quiet.